Monday 23 April 2012

Gallery Ten

Gallery Ten is a live/work art gallery housing ten artists for two years at a time. The gallery has temporary and permenant gallery spaces, artists studios and accomodation for artists and staff as well as a cafe and gift shop. The idea behind the gallery design came from the works of the photographer Mark McGowan. The theme of photography and cameras has been used throughout the design, from the architecture of the builidng through to the use of lighting and reflection. The theme of movement evolved from camera lenses and shutter speeds which was then manipulated into the design via the solar shading, versitle moving gallery screens and the extruding bedroom pods. The colopur scheme also evolved from the work of McGowan, in particular his work 'caught by the river' and 'dodgy alley', these phographs are both grey scale with either a flash of bright orange or vibrant blue. The grey background colour of the concrete and stone has been chosen to allow the art work to stand out against the plainer backdrop.